OTN System, Structure and Outputs


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What does an OTN-style Database look like?

  • What is the general path data takes through the OTN data system

  • What does the OTN data system output?

  • Understand the OTN Database structure on a high level

  • Understand the general path of data of data through the OTN system

  • Understand what the OTN system can output

OTN Data System

The OTN data system is an aggregator of telemetry data made up of interconnected Node Databases and data processing tools. These work together to connect researchers with relevant and reliable data. At the heart of this system are Nodes and their OTN-style Databases.

Affiliated acoustic telemetry partner Networks may become an OTN Node by deploying their own database that follows the same structure as all the others. This structure allows Nodes to use OTN’s data loading processes, produce OTN data products, and match detections across other Nodes.

Basic Structure

The basic structural decision at the centre of an OTN-style Database is that each of a Node’s projects will be subdivided into their own database schemas. These schemas contain only the relevant tables and data to that project. The tables included in each schema are created and updated based on which types of data each project is reporting.

Projects can have the type tracker, deployment, or data.

In addition to the project-specific schemas, there are some important common schemas in the Database that Node Managers will interact with. These additional schemas include the obis, erddap, geoserver, vendor, and discovery schemas. These schemas are found across all Nodes and are used to create important end-products and for processing.

The amount of information shared through the discovery tables can be adjusted based on sharing and reporting requirements for each Node.

OTN Database - path of data through the system

The Path of Data

The OTN data system takes 4 types of data/metadata: project, tag, instrument deployments, and detections. Most data has a similar flow through the OTN system even though each type has different notebooks and processes for loading. The exception to this is project metadata which has a more unique journey because it is completely user-defined, and must be used to initially define and create a project’s schema.

flowchart BT

    tag_start(( )) --> tag_sheet[[tagging metadata sheets]]
    style tag_start fill:#00FF00,stroke:#00FF00,stroke-width:4px
    tag_sheet --> tag_raw(c_tag_meta_suffix)
    style tag_raw fill:#6495ED
    tag_raw --> animcache(animalcache_suffix)
    style animcache fill:#CF9FFF
    tag_raw --> tagcache(tagcache_suffix)
    style tagcache fill:#CF9FFF
    animcache --> otnanim(otn_animals)
    style otnanim fill:#FDDA0D
    tagcache --> otntra(otn_transmitters)
    style otntra fill:#FDDA0D
    otnanim --> obisanim(otn_animals)
    style obisanim fill:#B8B8B8
    otntra --> obismoor(moorings)
    style obismoor fill:#B8B8B8

    rcv_start(( )) --> rcv_sheet[[deployment metadata sheets]]
    style rcv_start fill:#00FF00,stroke:#00FF00,stroke-width:4px
    rcv_sheet --> rcv_raw(c_shortform_suffix)
    style rcv_raw fill:#6495ED
    rcv_raw --> stat(stations)
    style stat fill:#CF9FFF
    rcv_raw --> rcv(rcvr_locations)
    style rcv fill:#CF9FFF
    stat --> moor(moorings)
    style moor fill:#FDDA0D
    rcv --> moor
    moor --> obismoor

    det_start(( )) --> det_sheet[[detection instrument data]]
    style det_start fill:#00FF00,stroke:#00FF00,stroke-width:4px
    det_sheet --> event_raw(c_events_suffix)
    style event_raw fill:#6495ED
    event_raw --> events(events)
    style events fill:#CF9FFF
    events --> moor
    det_sheet --> det_raw(c_detections_suffix)
    style det_raw fill:#6495ED
    det_raw --> det(detections_yyyy)
    style det fill:#CF9FFF
    det --> otndet(otn_detections_yyyy)
    style otndet fill:#FDDA0D
    otndet --> obisdet(otn_detections_yyyy)
    style obisdet fill:#B8B8B8

    obisanim --> obis[(Parent schema)]
    style obis fill:#B8B8B8,stroke:#000000
    obismoor --> obis
    obisdet --> obis

    obis --> done(( ))
    style done fill:#FF0000,stroke:#FF0000

Project Data

Project data has a unique workflow from the other input data and metadata that flows into an OTN Node, it is generally the first bit of information received about a project, and will be used to create the new schema in the Database for a project. The type of project selected (tracker, deployment, or data) will determine the format of the tables in the newly created schema. The type of project will also impact the loading tools and processes that will be used later on. The general journey of project data is:

Tag, Deployment and Detections Data

Even though tag, deployment, and detections data all have their own loading tools and processes, their general path through the database is the same.

OTN Data Products

The OTN Database has specific data products available, based upon the clean processed data, for researchers to use for their scientific analysis.

In order to create meaningful Detection Extracts, OTN and affiliated Nodes only perform cross-matching events every 4 months (when a reasonable amount of new data has been processed). This event is called a synchronous Data Push. In a Data Push:

Summary schema records can be used to create maps and other record overviews such as this map of active OTN receivers:

Summary Map

Backing Up Your Data

As with any database, it is important to make sure the data held by the OTN Database Node is protected. To ensure you are protected your Database and potentially the files contributed to your Node by the research community you support should be backed up properly, in the event your primary Database crashes, is corrupted, is lost, or any other unexpected event.

You should discuss and coordinate a backup strategy with the groups or institutions responsible for your Database’s administration, and find out their policies and practices for performing backups. Backup strategies may vary from group to group but it is a good idea to make sure they are adequately backing up your data daily, if not multiple times a day, and keep copies of backups in different physical locations in the case that something happens at a single location.

OTN is happy to offer guidance and recommendations to any group.

Key Points

  • All OTN-style Databases have the same structure

  • Databases are divided into project schemas which get certain tables based on the type of data they collect

  • Data in the OTN system moves from the raw tables to the intermediate tables to the upper tables before aggregation